100 Days Post Ian
350′ of chain link fence has been installed with the help of parents/volunteers. Secured grounds
350′ of chain link fence has been installed with the help of parents/volunteers. Secured grounds
ESC Staff, including three generations of the Webb family, will attend US Sailing’s Leadership Forum
Steering a Fresh Course – October 2022 With River Romp – our annual Junior Olympic
Edison Sailing Center was honored to collaborate with a team of respected powerboat trainers and
Edison Sailing Center proudly accepted a donation from the Kiwanis Club of Fort Myers to
The International Laser Class Association web site is a great place to check upcoming regatta
Young sailors in search of great competition, quality coaching and a fun time on and
The FMHS sailors went to the second regatta of the racing season in Jensen Beach,
Edison has proudly hosted the U.S. Junior Olympic Regatta – the River Romp – since
Members of the FMHS sailing team participated in their first HS420 regatta of the season
Edison Sailing Center will participate in this year’s Summer Sailstice international event.
April 8-9Sarasota SailfestSarasota Youth Sailing, FL *April 29-30South AtlanticAtlanta YC, Acworth, GA
A group of sailors representing the Optis, High School 420s and Laser fleets of Edison Sailing Center collaborated with Caloosahatchee River
Watch for a coordinated clean-up of the River, Saturday, Oct 22.
Edison Sailing Center is pleased to announce that the Colgate Clinic for Junior Women Laser Sailors will be held November 19 & 20, 2016, in Fort Myers.
April 9-10USA Junior Olympic Sailing Festival – Sarasota SailfestSarasota Youth Sailing Program, Sarasota, FL May
Doris Colgate’s name is synonymous with women’s sailing. Her passion for sailing has created women’s
April 11-12USA Junior Olympic Sailing Festival – Sarasota SailfestSarasota Youth Sailing, FL May 16-17 USA
Here are some of Edison Sailing Center’s achievements of 2014-2015 ESC Welcomed 38 new and
1420 Del Rio Drive
Fort Myers, FL 33901
13001 N Cleveland Ave
North Fort Myers, FL 33903
(Northshore Park)
© 2023 Edison Sailing Center, an official US Sailing center | Website Design by www.239web.com