

Course Description, Requirements

Sailing (3 hr/day) Ages 8-13

Session (A) is 8:30-11:30 AM
Session (B) is 9:30 AM – 12:30 PM


1 week

Instruction is geared to all levels of sailors, with special emphasis on beginners.  After each participant is assessed the sailor will be placed into an appropriate instructional group & boat. Curriculum is based on US Sailing’s Learn Sailing Right for Beginner and Intermediate sailors. 


Minimum session enrollment is 6.

Basic Powerboat/Bobber Card

Ages 10-13

9:30-12:30 PM


1 week

Students receive hands-on/water instruction and practice with supervision to satisfactorily demonstrate national On-the-Water Standards. Upon successful course completion and a passing grade on the written test, the student can earn the Florida Bobber Card (myfwc.com) 

This course requires reading/study at home each evening if the student intends to successfully pass the written exam. Students will have time in class and on the water, daily (as weather permits). 

Minnow Camp

Ages 5-7

8:30-11:00 AM


3 days

Let us introduce your 5-7 year olds to sailing through multi-sensory, discovery learning on & off the water. Children must be able to swim.

High School Sailing

Grades 8-12

9:00 AM – 12:00 PM


1 week

Students in Grades 8-12 interested in learning how to sail or who already sail are invited to develop their communication, leadership and decision-making skills while sailing in a two-person boat as skipper or crew.

Racing Clinic – Basics
(8:30-11:30 AM)

Ages 8-14 * experience required

August 1-5


1 week

Students who have completed at least one session of sailing and would like to learn more
about competitive sailing should register for this weeklong introduction to racing. Ages 8 and older are welcome. Emphasis will be placed on experiencing different race course arrangements, basic racing rules of sailing, strategies & tactics of competitive sailing.

For the 2025 summer program schedule
For the summer program FAQs

Important Information follows about our Summer Programs - please READ carefully…

  • We look forward to welcoming your child(-ren) to ESC this summer! Please take a moment to review this information:
  • Communications and announcements are distributed electronically through email and text. Please check your SPAM folders!
  • Following REGISTRATION on Regatta Network you will receive a confirmation email. Be sure to save this email should you need to make any changes or assistance. 
  • Be sure to enter the email address and phone number of the primary parent/guardian responsible for the child during the program week. If your child will be visiting with relatives or friends it is important that we have their contact information as well.
  • The sailing center is located in a County park facility (North Shore Park). Everyone must follow whatever health guidelines or restrictions may be in place at the time.  
  • ESC’s programs are held outside (and on the water) with no control over the weather. We cannot refund days when the weather is such that it would pose a safety issue for students or staff. Instructors do have discretion to offer alternative activities on no-wind days that are appropriate for the students and follow safety/health guidelines, e.g. kayaking & STEM 
  • Parents will be asked to join the REMIND app notification system for announcements or updates. 
  • Should severe weather be imminent it is possible we may require children to be picked up before the scheduled end of the session. 
  • Classes are held in North Shore Park, 13001 N. Cleveland Avenue, N. Ft. Myers, just over the US 41 bridge into North Fort Myers. 
  • Should your plans change, and you need to change session dates, we will make every effort to accommodate your request.
  • Refunds for reasons other than weather will be considered, minus a $25 administrative fee, with reasonable notice.
  • Because summer sessions fill quickly (especially after mid-May), parents registering their children without submitting payment are NOT confirmed or guaranteed placement in their desired session.
  • Families with gift certificates or scholarships should contact the Registrar/Scholarship Coordinator in advance for how to enter the payment code for registration. 
  • Registration opens mid-March